I'm absolutely thrilled to have a nephew. He's (IMHO) the cutest little man I've ever laid my eyes on!
Although he only lives a few houses away, I don't see him as much as I'd truly like to. But that's not because I don't want to or can't, I choose not to bother my sister and her boyfriend every single day. I guess I just don't want to impose. It's alright though, as long as I get to see him every few days or so I'm good!
So it's like just about half pass 10am and I'm already over my work day. Well, sort of. I have my iPod blasting in one ear and the work radio it the other. You can only imagine what it's like in my head at the moment, espceially cause I know the words to both songs playing! Ahh!! What fun!
I had coffee this morning so I'm a little HYPERACTIVE! I'm like all jittery and talkative and actually doing physical work. It's a little shocking considering. HA! Well, this is it for now cause I'm sure I can sit here and type all day. TTFN!