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Waimanalo, Hawaii, United States
Aloha! I'm 29, live and work on the island of Oahu. I LOVE living here. Born and raised here. I enjoy learning new things, meeting new people, and just being me. I'll write more later.

I Saw The Cutest Thing Today...

Everyday on my way to work I pass this pre-school, where the caregivers sit out on the stairs next to the road so the parents just "drive-up" and leave the kids. Well this morning the Kane (Kah-Nay - male in Hawaiian) caregiver was sitting on the rock wall with a little girl and the two of them were pointing up towards the sky calling out cloud shapes. It was too cute! You could just feel their smiles that were beaming on both the inside as well as the outside. It was truly a blessed morning.

ANYWAY! I'm a little upset with a coworker here. I understand that it's nothing personal but when you make me do something that wastes MY time, it IS personal. Feel me? C'mon. If this situation's been going on for "years", why haven't you tried to nip it in the butt when you realized it was happening YEARS AGO? UGH! I'm out. The kids outside my office are irritating the heck out of me. I think I just don't feel like dealing with them. LoL!

LoL @ "There are Micronesians drinking!"

Alright, I know that's nothing to be laughing at but the context that it was taken from just made me laugh my butt off! I mean, who the hell calls and complains about people drinking on a SATURDAY night? What's the weekend for but to relax? I could see if they were making all kinds of noise and whatnot but c'mon! It's the weekend, CHILL!

On a lighter note, today's FoodBank day for the tenants! Man days like these make me want to live here just so I could get FREE STUFF! But then again, working here has some benefits. I was able to get a FREE case of Vanilla Coke 20oz bottles, a case of pint size half & half, a case of 2ltr Pepsi Max bottles, AND a case of 1ltr Sierra Mist bottles. Not bad huh? I know what you're thinking 'WTH do you need SO much soda for?' Well truthfully speaking, they really aren't for me. I'm giving to my family. I'm not that greedy SHEESH!

ANYHOW! I have to get my fat ass back to work. TTFN! ONE LOVE!